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Road Angel
Webheads / Portfolio / Blackspot – Road Angel

Blackspot – Road Angel

Road Angel is the world’s leading GPS road safety device. Specially designed to be a simple-to-use addition to any vehicle, to alert and warn you in advance of known danger areas. Using the latest Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology, ROAD ANGEL compares your position with the known danger spot locations and gives you an audible and visual warning as you approach them.

Webheads were able to provide Road Angel with an eCommerce website as a completely bespoke solution. With user database registration and integration, eCommerce and order processing systems, AVS, CSC and Velocity fraud checking. The database integrates with Blackspot’s backoffice SAGE accounting systems, giving real time invoicing and order tracking.

We’ve recently launched the French Australian and South African Road Angel websites, with further European roll-outs.

Road Angel is the world’s leading GPS road safety device. […]

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